Yarn Junkie
Host: Amber
Instagram: @_yarnjunkie
Ravelry: yarnjunkie6
There are a mix of quotes that remind me of Amber's style; 'A strong woman is one who feels deeply and loves fiercely, her tears flow as abundantly as her laughter, she's badass with a good heart, soft but powerful'. She is an outdoorsy animal-loving huntress, an earthy mom of two. I feel a particular affinity with Amber as she was a crocheter before a knitter and the very first podcaster I watched. Still my favourite of all.
Brooklyn Knitfolk
Host: Jaclyn
Instagram: @jaclynsalem
Ravelry: jaclynsalem
A happy, chill gal who graces our screens with the culture of her city. Live musicians play while she catches the train for work. I love that Jaclyn is also a fan of the supernatural, whimsical world. She led me astray with her awesomely inspiring elementalong KAL. There are nice snippets of 'feel-good', positive-thinking too, which always leaves me feeling better than I did before watching each video.
Knotty Knit Wits
Hosts: Michelle and Leslie
Instagram Michelle: @knottyknitwitInstagram Leslie: @lettenmaiers
Ravelry Michelle: Knottyknitwits
Ravelry Leslie: Knottyknitwits2
These. Girls. Crack. Me. Up! It's kind of like having an uncensored knitting group in your own living room. Typical scenario, Michelle will say something completely innocent, then Leslie will give a little smirk, and the penny will drop with Michelle that her words could have been misconstrued and then we have a laugh while she attempts to explain herself (to no avail). I cry laughing (with you Michelle, not at you... I love ya!)
Sweet Sparrow Knits

Instagram: @julierosesews
Ravelry: JulieRoseSews
As I've said before, if only Julie's giggles could be bottled... If you have a frown, she will turn it upside-down. So so sweet, a talented fashion-designer in New York City by day, an indie-dyer and knitter by night, with a feminine, woodland-y aesthetic. Her love of books is evident, especially in her beautiful colorways. She has an etsy shop too, called 'Sweet Sparrow Yarns'.
Pinfeathers and Purls
Host: Candace
Instagram: @transitory
Ravelry: transitory
An adorable nerd, watching Candace brings out my best, geekiest qualities. She makes me want to play computer games in my Star Wars t-shirt while drinking flavored tea. Also the best podcast to watch with my toddler as he adores Yoshi, her parakeet co-host. Candace's Popfizz shawl is what inspired me to buy the pattern too and try my hand at brioche.
Little Bobbins Knits
Host: Dani
Instagram: @littlebobbins
Ravelry: littlebobbins
Quintessentially English, a lovely, gentle-natured rose. Dani is so calm and tranquil and has a wonderful eye for delicate colour combinations. It's no surprise Dani is the creative type, as her crafting Mum often joins her, showing her beautiful patchwork and embroidery skills. A winning pair, making some seriously pretty items to sell in their online shop.
Yarn 30
Host: Katrina
Ravelry: katjpierce
Also the owner of the quick-to-sell-out etsy shop 'Kat's Kettle', Katrina is a Halloween-loving colorful soul. I adore her hand-dyed yarns, she obviously puts so much thought into the colorways, my favourite being Old Beach Cruiser. I can never tell what her next project will be, she is captivating in her unpredictability.
Jan of Urban Gypsy Crochet on Facebook and YouTube!:
Lisa of Lisa's Pine Notes on YouTube:
Lisa is also on Instagram as @lisapinenotes
Ali of Little Drops of Wonderful podcast:
She is also on Instagram as @starryeyesali
Emma of 'Potter & Bloom' podcast, linked below:
She is on Instagram, too: @potterandbloom
Eva, host of 'The Charm Of It':
Also on Instagram: @thecharmofit
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